Taking Down the “Clutter Blocks”
Do you ever think back to the days of building blocks and admire the freedom you had to build, build, build? As a child, “more is better”. It seems like, at some point, you had to trade in the building blocks of childhood for the stumbling blocks of adulthood. I call them clutter.
Some clutter creates bigger barriers than others. Missing Tupperware pieces, yesterday’s junk mail, spare change or unused pencils seem like little hurdles when it comes to cluttery things like inherited keepsakes or other people’s stuff. The bigger the clutter blocks, the more difficult it is tear it down. To help you build a simple life, here are some guidelines to help you live “less is more”…
Should I keep something just because it belonged to a relative?
- If it is something that is useful, just not by you, then pass it along. Everyone is happier and you have less chaos in your life.
- Consider giving it to another family member so it stays in the family.
What can I do if I don’t want to keep something that was given to me?
- Take a digital picture of it so you can remember it then part with it – donate it, give it to someone you know needs it, or toss it
What if I might use it someday?
- Someday isn’t a day of the week… if you haven’t used it in over a year, then chances are you may never use it. Come to terms with this and then say goodbye.
- Consider…If you didn’t keep it and had to re-buy it someday, would it be difficult to find or too expensive to replace?
At Come To Order, we aim to help you sort through your blocks, make a plan and implement a system to simplify your life from the chaos that clutter brings with it.
- You can get more tips to help you through the process of learning that less is more.
- HERE are some more lessons from professional organizer Autumn Leopold.
RESOURCE FOR POST: Jeri Dansky of Unclutterer, “Getting past uncluttering stumbling blocks.”
Kathy Jenkins is the President of Come To Order, a Residential Professional Organizer, Student Organizer, Certified Family Manager Coach, Writer and Speaker based in Richmond, Virginia. She is a member of NAPO and ICD and is dedicated to helping her clients simplify their lives by reducing clutter, organizing their homes and offices, and managing their time. Kathy especially enjoys working with kids and their families to help them learn good organizational skills that will benefit them for a lifetime. Follow Kathy on Facebook.