It’s SIMPLE – Let’s Get Started!
The start of a new year is the perfect time to focus on getting organized. In fact it is one of the top three New Years resolutions. At Come To Order, we don’t want to just motivate you to get organized, but we want you help you know HOW to get started! There are many reasons to get organized, but if you don’t even know where to start, how do you do anything at all?
2015 is your year to get organized and we would love to help you accomplish all of your goals! Throughout the year, we’ll be giving you “26 Ways to Get Organized”. Although there are 100’s of suggestions and tips on how to organize your home, 100 tips is overwhelming. By helping you focus on why you want to become organized with your home, time, finances, family, etc, we are hoping one reason will resonate with you and that will be the motivation to GET YOU STARTED!
The Come To Order SIMPLE method will start you down the path of organization.
S – sort things in big broad categories. As you move through your space place things in piles of “like with like”
I – focus on what is worth keeping rather than what you should get rid of.What ever doesn’t make the first cut to keep probably should go.
M – decide the best place to store. Things you use everyday or very often should be easily accessible.
P – now is when you decide the container. You can only choose the right when when you know what to keep and where to keep it.
L – label everything. Helps remind you (and others) of where things go when finished.
E – start a new habit… put things away instead of just putting them down; one thing comes in another must go out…etc.
To make things even more simple for you, you don’t even have to memorize our SIMPLE Method, just click the box above, download a “SIMPLE” reminder, print and post on your fridge, bathroom mirror, garage door or anywhere you would like to become more organized. This is going to be your most happy (and organized) Year!!
You can do it!!
NO MORE HANG UPS | Look for the hanger for more simple reasons to get organized!
[…] you read our last 26 Reasons to Get Organized blog post, Get Back Your UMPH, we suggested ways to find more free time. Life is so full of […]