Kathy to Speak at NAPO 2013 Conference
Today’s student faces many challenges as the educational system continues to increase its expectations for achievement. More than ever organizing and study skills are paramount for a student to reach their full potential.
Kathy is excited to be presenting a workshop on that topic in April at the 2013 NAPO Conference in New Orleans, LA. During her presentation, she will help other organizers understand the concept of a student’s organizing style and how it directly relates to their academic success.
Those attending will have the opportunity to learn about the general developmental milestones & behaviors in adolescents, the concept of an student’s Organizing Style and the various components that comprise it, and effective organizational and study strategies based on a stduent’s learning style or sensory preference. The workshop explores the 4 modes of thinking, as put forth by Dr. Katherine Benziger and how they relate to students, as asserted by Lanna Nakone in her book “Every Child Has a Thinking Style”. Attendees will gain insight into the role of introversion, extroversion and gender in a student’s organizing style.
Learn more about Kathy’s goals for this workshop by watching this short video. If you are attending the NAPO Conference in April, we hope to see you during our session!