Clutter to Commemoration

Clutter to Commemoration

CTO-May-Featured-Product-Amazon-1Family Photo Organization: A Guide to Organizing Family Photos for Improved Preservation and Sharing  is a book written and organized specifically to guide families step by step in building skills that will help them better organize their family photo collections, preserve fading family memories well into the future, and to describe ways to more fully share these treasured family photo images with extended family and friends.  Maybe you have accumulated family photo collections that include a combination of several photo albums, containers of loose prints, boxes of 35mm slides, and increasing megabytes of digital files… well, with an understanding of some basic concepts and skills, you can make meaningful progress toward preserving your special family memories too!

For this book and other good reads, visit the Come To Order Amazon store!!

About the Author: Richard Anderson lives with his family in New Hampshire. When he began researching for ways to better manage his own family photo collection, he found much of the available information to be overly technical or too simplistic. Therefore, he decided to reconcile, consolidate, and share what he discovered by research with what he learned from his own experiences. His sharing of this information first took the form of articles at his website, Articles at LocalArchiver serve as the basis for this book, which is intended to be a useful guide for typical family photo organizing needs and goals. ~ Amazon



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