How do your kids help around the house… after school?
Many children come home to an empty house after school. It isn’t an easy situation for a child or the parent! You’ll both benefit from establishing routines and house rules early on. So, how do reassure your children they are loved, even if you aren’t there? Here are some suggestions:
- Leave a stick-note or two around the house with encouraging messages.
- Make sure that you have posts a “Parent Locator and Emergency Number” list in a common place.
- Snack-time is a must after school! Keep a list of snack ideas (that don’t need to be cooked) on the fridge.
- Keep a small “emergency pack” in your child’s school bag containing: an extra house key, list of phone numbers and money for emergencies.
- In case an unfamiliar person as to pick your child up from school, create a family code word. When the family member or friend picks up your child from school, they will be reassured to hear the familiar word. Tip: Also use this word as a “help” when your child calls you in a frightening situation.
- Keep a basic first aid kit in a cabinet your child has access to and show your child how to use what is in it. (Many hospitals have classes for this.)
- Have a small chore or two that your child can do when they come home. Everyone wants to feel like they contribute to the smooth running of the household and busy hands don’t get in trouble! CLICK-A-TIP and find more information about getting your children to help with chores!!
- Prepare creative activities that your child can do alone and that are only to be used after school. This will help time pass as they complete fun and entertaining projects
To help you stick to encouragement, rules and chores, here is an age-appropriate chore checklist for school-age children, just click the button below.
Kathy Jenkins is the President of Come To Order, a residential professional organizing company in Richmond, VA. As a Certified Professional Organizer®, Certified Family Manager® Coach, Love & Logic® Parenting Facilitator/Coach and Student Organizer, Kathy especially enjoys working with kids and their families to help them learn good organizational skills that will benefit them for a lifetime. To learn more about Love & Logic Parenting, follow Kathy on G+.