Make 2012 Your Most Organized Year Yet!

2012Flipping the calendar to January is a symbolic fresh start, a time to recognize the potential that the new year holds. That’s why the National Organization of Professional Organizers (NAPO) designates every January as National Get Organized (GO) Month. NAPO’s goal during this GO campaign is to help you see the benefits of getting organized, and also learn more about how professional organizers can help.

For most people, getting organized is not easy – where do I begin, what do I keep, what do I part with – relatively easy questions when it isn’t your house or your stuff! It is a step-by-step process that requires motivation, discipline and the ability to look at your things differently.

The benefits, however, are worth it! Being organized helps you save time and money, and reduce your stress and frustration levels. You gain control over your daily tasks and can better manage your responsibilities. Organizing systems bring structure and logic to your home so you can deal with everything from paper to stuff to busy schedules. Making decisions on what to keep, what to purge and where to take action are easier when you are organized.

There’s no “right” way to get organized. Individuals must find the best system that works with their personality type, work style, and surroundings. But that isn’t always easy to determine. That is where a professional organizer (PO) can help. They are skilled at helping to prioritize the areas in which you need to get organized, and teaching you the skills to maintain your new organizing system. Some of the typical projects that professional organizers frequently help with are paper management, clutter control, time management, maximizing storage space, and juggling projects and priorities.

When you decide it’s time to get help, what should you look for in a professional organizer? Professional organizers come from a variety of backgrounds and professions, but they all use their education and experience to help their clients enhance their lives. Here are some things to look for when you are ready to move forward with the help of a PO:

  • Member of the National Association of Professional Organizers (NAPO)
  • Member of The Institute for Challenging Disorganization (ICD) – preferred but not necessary
  • Listens carefully to learn your story so he/she can offer the best advice on what habits you can change
  • Non-Judgmental with respect to your situation and challenges
  • Able to understand your goals and create a plan to meet them
  • Able to break the plan into manageable steps
  • Willing to work with you, side-by-side to teach you the skills you need to get and stay organized
  • Able to recommends appropriate tools and products that will enhance your organizing system and customize it to work for you
  • Compassionate and professional in his/her approach to your organizational challenges

In addition, you may choose to work with a Certified Professional Organizer (CPO®). A CPO has completed a program administered by NAPO’s Board of Certification for Professional Organizers®. When you select a CPO®, you know that you are working with someone who has met specific minimum qualifications and has proven that they have the body of knowledge and experience required for certification.

Finally, I highly recommend choosing a professional organizer who is a NAPO member. Why? Because to be a member of NAPO, a professional organizer must promise to adhere to a strict code of ethics. By working with a NAPO member, you know that the person you are bringing into your home has a strong commitment to integrity, professionalism, and confidentiality.

Make 2012 the year you resolve to get organized and stay organized! With the help of a professional organizer and a little bit of hard work, this can be your most productive, stress-free year yet!

© 2012, Kathy Jenkins, Come To Order

Come To Order

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