Introducing Our Newest Organizing Team Member!
Charles, a person born to organize! As his childhood became engulfed in LEGOs and the tiny pieces fell to disappear at the bottom of a box on the basement floor, Charles knew something had to change. Beginning his organizing career at such a young age, he jumped at any opportunity to rearrange the living room furniture or clean out the junk drawer without being asked. Even throughout college, Charles was famous for reorganizing his dorm room on a regular basis, discovering new and better systems of order with each change.
Charles’ philosophy has always been that daily living should never be made difficult, and that minor alterations in organization always make the most dramatic changes. So, when he joined the Come To Order team and discovered Kathy Jenkins’ “SIMPLE” philosophy, it was quite the match.
Charles is thrilled to put his passion for organizing to work for our clients. With his practical approach and attention to details, he is an excellent asset to the Come To Order team, and we’re certain our clients will benefit from his talents.