Keeping your Household Budget in Check

Keeping your Household Budget in Check

A household budget is an organizing task that adults deal with on a daily basis – whether we want to or not.  And, if your budget isn’t organized, you may be surprised where your money is going without even realizing it!

Author Akeia Dixon gives these four simple steps for organizing a home budget at The Nest [dot] com by Demand Media.

  1. Keep all of your income and expense documents in one place.
  2. Track income and expenses consistently.
  3. Using a spreadsheet, separate your fixed expenses from your variable expenses.
  4. Be aware of your income and expenses. If your expenses (spending money) are more than your income, you’ll need to re-prioritize.

Organizing a household budget shouldn’t be agonizing, it just takes a couple of steps to balance a household budget and meet your financial goals.  Whether you want to use a Project Organizer or a spreadsheet, this BUDGET PRINTABLE will make the process much simpler.

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Let us know which tip was most helpful for you!

Kathy Jenkins is the President of Come To Order, a professional residential organizing company based in Richmond, Virginia. She is a nationally recognized certified professional organizer, speaker and author dedicated to helping her clients simplify their lives by reducing clutter, organizing their homes and offices, and managing their time. Click here to follow Kathy on Twitter.

Come To Order

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