Defined Dressing

Defined Dressing

Creating clearly designated areas and storage spaces for accessories for a couple in one harmonious closet can be a challenge.  Closets are often a jumble of an assortment clothes, shoes, belts, scarves and often times, other things like jewelry, purses and suitcases.

Deciding what to keep by categorizing, if it fits and whether or not you actually use something are important factors when purging a closet.  If you find what you love in your closet, it will be easier to say good-bye to what you don’t love so much.

Sort your cloths by whether it is professional or casual, shirts, skirts, pants, sweaters or jackets, finding each its own space.  And, for shoes?  Consider your lifestyle, fit and style to determine what you may or may not need.  Again, sort your shoes and categorize them in general groups like dressy, casual or workout.  Last, make a home for your shoe collection in your closet and don’t forget to leave about 20% of your storage space open for new ones!

Pick up a copy of “Secrets of Getting Organized” or check out the story Defined Dressing.

Kathy Jenkins is the President of Come To Order, a Certified Professional Organizer®, Student Organizer, Certified Family Manager Coach, Writer and Speaker based in Richmond, Virginia. She is a member of NAPO and ICD and is dedicated to helping her clients simplify their lives by reducing clutter, organizing their homes and offices, and managing their time. Kathy especially enjoys working with kids and their families to help them learn good organizational skills that will benefit them for a lifetime.  Follow Kathy on Facebook

Come To Order

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