Earning your Professional Organizing Certification
Have you ever thought of turning your organizing skills into a profession?
In today’s fast-paced, multitasking world, the need for professional organizers is increasing. People are faced with more demands and responsibilities and have less time. They are reaching out to professional organizers to help them be more productive and regain control of their personal and professional lives.
This 40-hour certificate will equip you with knowledge of professional organizing practices, organizing specialties, and typical characteristics of organizers and their clients. Learn about the fundamental principles and concepts of organizing, such as categorizing, sorting, purging, and space planning.
Are you thinking about using this certificate for NAPO credit?
For each course, the candidate may claim the actual hours attended, to a cumulative total of 250 hours. Sixty minutes of coursework is equal to one credit hour regardless of any number of continuing education credits (CEUs) another institution may have awarded for completion of the course.
Professional Organizing Certificate
February 23, 2015 through February 27, 2015
Weekdays: 8:30 am – 5:30 pm
Instructors: Kathy Jenkins and Susan Hayman
CRN: ORG215.07
Note: There are two tracks available for consideration: the Residential Track or the Business Client Track.