Family Mission Statement

The holidays have arrived and Christmas is in the air. Last minute shopping consumes our time and fancy decorations surround us. It’s easy to get caught up in the joy that giving and getting gifts brings, but there are other valuable factors to remember during the holiday season. What is really important to you?

FAMILY MISSION STATEMENT family - freedigitalphotos.netWe live in a hectic, busy, and complicated world and more and more kids are having trouble finding their way. Perhaps the greatest gift you can give your family is to create a family mission statement. A combined, unified agreement of what your family is about, a set of core values, and the principles that guide you through life. How does your family treat others and want to be treated by each other? What is your family’s purpose and goals?

Call a family meeting and have everyone contribute to what they feel is important individually and as a kin. Include personal goals, family goals, inspirations, values that matter to you as a family. Working together to create a family mission bonds parents and children together. It gives everyone in the household clear ideals to strive for and guidance in what choices to make. It creates a sense of being part of something important and special that was created in love.

Once you come up with your statement keep it where everyone can see it. Post it in several places: on your refrigerator, in your bedroom, and at the office. This will help remind you of your family mission statement, and more importantly, why you decided to create one.

It’s easy to get caught up in the business and commercial atmosphere of the Holidays, but that should not lead you astray from your family values. There is never a more important time to remember what you have, why you have it, and what you do to keep it.  Wishes for a Blessed Holiday to you and yours!

photo credit: Image courtesy of photostock /

Come To Order


  1. Good idea! People might be surprised to learn they’re not really on the same page as their spouse when it comes to important things. Better to clear that up and get unified.

    • Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts Emily. Often times in a marriage we begin to take for granted that the other person knows what we think and what is important to us. Better to have conversations around it from time to time to make sure everyone is in agreement… especially about the important things!

  2. […] more responsible kids tomorrow!  Are you anticipating a new year of holidays?  Consider making a family mission statement… relationships begin at […]

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