The TO-DO App by Jamie Mikelich

The TO-DO App by Jamie Mikelich

The Jamie’s To-Do App is named after Jamie Mikelich.  It is not only visually beautiful, but it’s simple to use and the features are incredibly useful.

There are:

  • Eight to-do lists in this app, so you can easily organize and manage your life.
  • You can shuffle and prioritize the order of your to-dos, depending on what becomes most important in your day.
  • Reminders to ensure you don’t forget those tasks such as bills and appointments.
  • Automatically re-prioritizes your reminders with what you need to do first appearing at the top.
  • If you need assistance in organizing your life, there is also an ‘E-Mail Jamie’ function so you can ask the namesake of the app for assistance.


Everyone will find Jamie’s To Do appealing.

Download the app now

Nationally recognized certified organizer, speaker and author, Kathy Jenkins is dedicated to helping her clients simplify their lives by reducing clutter, organizing their homes and offices, and managing their time. She is the President of Come To Order, a professional residential organizing company based in Richmond, Virginia. For more tips, click here to follow Kathy on Facebook.

Come To Order


  1. Come To Order Says: June 2, 2015 at 9:40 pm

    Autumn, So glad that the information was helpful. Let us know how it goes.:)

  2. I will need to try this app. Always looking for new apps to help my small business and organizing clients out! Thanks for sharing.

  3. I am always reassured when I learn about a new app for to do lists. It means everyone struggles keeping track of themselves and their priorities. Thank you for reminding me that I’m not the only one!

    • Come To Order Says: June 8, 2015 at 3:37 pm

      Ericka, Thanks for the comment. I think that a lot of people struggle to keep track of their “things to do”. It is great that there are so many apps to choose from so that you can find the right one that works for you! ~Kathy

  4. I love finding new apps. It’s having a variety in my organizing arsenal that’s important. Different apps work for different people. I am going to give this one a try!

    • Come To Order Says: June 8, 2015 at 3:34 pm

      Thanks Ellen for stopping by and leaving a comment. It is so true that different apps work for different people. It is good that there are so many to choose fro. Let us know how this one worked for you. ~Kathy

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