Helping You Get on the Ball!

Helping You Get on the Ball!

Organizing a flexible life can be chaotic, especially when it comes to exercise… or your home office!  To help you “get on the ball” without all the clutter of machines, unused exercise equipment and uncomfortable office chairs, we suggest the Wacces® Professional Stability Ball.


Whether you are new to fitness or a seasoned athlete, the Wacces® Fitness Ball will enhance your workout giving you results. Ideal for stretching, strengthening and toning exercises.  First used by physical therapists over 30 years ago, Exercise Balls are now used in leading health clubs around the nation and are quickly becoming a standard item for any home gym (and office).

  • Helps relax muscles, remove tension and increase tone
  • Increases flexibility in abdominals, thighs and lower back
  • Strengthens, stretches and tones all major muscle groups.
  • Enhances coordination and balance, and improves flexibility.
  • Tone, sculpt and chisel your shoulders, arms, thighs and abs

The Wacces® Professional Stability Ball is a safe, durable ball with burst resistance to 500-lbs (and comes with a free pump).  You can incorporate the versatility and effectiveness of the Wacces exercise balls into your workout.  Core strength training is the only way to exercise.  This ball is perfect for weight training on the ball as well as users looking for extra performance for health club settings & other heavy-use applications, yet perfect for home! The Wacces Fitness Ball is safe, durable, and easy-to-use.

Kathy Jenkins is the President of Come To Order, a residential professional organizing company in Richmond, VA.  As a Certified Professional Organizer®, Certified Family Manager® Coach, Love & Logic Parenting® Facilitator/Coach and Student Organizer, Kathy especially enjoys working with kids and their families to help them learn good organizational skills that will benefit them for a lifetime.  To learn more about Love & Logic Parenting, follow Kathy on Facebook.

Come To Order

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