GO Month Project – Peter Paul Development Center
Come To Order is so proud to be a part of Go Month here in Richmond. This is the project we are working on this year…
The Peter Paul Development Center (PPDC) will be the recipient of NAPO Richmond’s Project GO partnership for 2011.
PPDC is an outreach and community center serving Church Hill and neighboring communities in Richmond’s East End. In addition to providing services to children, Peter Paul Development Center has an active seniors program, serves almost 1,000 families a month in its Food Bank feeding programs, offers financial literacy and healthy families counseling, and serves as a gathering place for community and civic events.
Each year in January, in recognition of Get Organized Month, NAPO-Richmond selects a local non-profit organization to receive complementary organizing services from professional organizers. In 2011, volunteers from NAPO-Richmond will visit PPDC on January 25.
By helping PPDC organize offices, supply and storage areas, paperwork, and various other items and information, Godding says they can help the Center operate more efficiently, which gives PPDC workers there more time to focus on their mission.
NAPO Richmond is a chapter of the National Association of Professional Organizers. NAPO’s goal is to educate members on ways to better serve their clients, to promote the organizing industry and to ensure our members abide by the NAPO code of ethics. The membership consists of professional organizers who can provide clients with ideas, structure, motivation, and support and teach skills to help maintain order at work and home. To learn more about NAPO-Richmond, visit www.naporichmond.com.
The mission of the PPDC is to build a community of learners by engaging and challenging children, families, and seniors in Richmond’s East End through programs that enhance academic achievement, provide cultural enrichment, and promote self-esteem and lifelong self-sufficiency. To learn more about PPDC, visit www.peterpauldevcenter.org.