I’m Certified!

I am proud to announce that I just recently earned the designation of Certified Professional Organizer!


CPO LogoThis certification program, developed and administered by the BCPO®, is a voluntary, industry-led effort that benefits the public and members of the organizing profession. To earn the CPO Certification, a professional organizer must meet specific minimum qualifications, demonstrate through client interaction that they possess the body of knowledge and experience required, adhere to the Code of Ethics for Certified Professional Organizers, and pass an examination.


The program recognizes and raises industry standards, practices, and ethics. By working with a CPO, consumers can be assured that they are receiving the maximum value from the services provided and products recommended.


Even as I celebrate this accomplisment, I will continue to look for more ways to sharpen my skills and expand my knowledge so I can offer my clients the best service. Thanks to all of you who have played a part in my success!

Come To Order

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