Do your kids help around the house?

CTO-Kids-Cleaning Have you ever heard the expression, “There is no “I” in team”?  That is true when it comes to maintaining and caring for a home.  If you are the provider or main caretaker in the home, everyone needs to have responsibilities and appropriate workloads to allow you to keep up with a functioning home. Although it often seems as if keeping everyone on task is as much work as the task itself, it is vital for kids to contribute.  Delegating tasks not only balances out the responsibilities of the home, but it brings balance to the relationships within a home.  Teaching kids not only the life skills of running a washing machine or running the vacuum, but also cooperation and collaboration skills, will serve them in every walk of life as they enter adulthood.

So, how do you involve your kids in the act of maintaining and cleaning a home?  No more sweeping this under the rug!!  For an age-appropriate chore chart and checklist, click below for some guidelines for younger children.

CLICK A TIP:  After school is a great time to have kids do a small chore.


Kathy Jenkins is the President of Come To Order, a Residential Professional Organizer, Student Organizer, Certified Family Manager Coach, Writer and Speaker based in Richmond, Virginia. She is a member of NAPO and ICD and is dedicated to helping her clients simplify their lives by reducing clutter, organizing their homes and offices, and managing their time. Kathy especially enjoys working with kids and their families to help them learn good organizational skills that will benefit them for a lifetime.  Follow Kathy on Facebook.


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