Do you ever think about saving money? It seems like such a good idea, but it isn’t necessarily an easy thing to do all the time. Here are a couple ways to watch your money move for you and little ways to watch how you spend:
What do you do with your mail after it comes from your mailbox or inbox? Manage your finances by organizing a working system to pay your bills on time.
Do you remember the expression “sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me”? Boy, it is true that sticks and stones can hurt, but words can hurt too! Especially the words we sometimes believe about ourselves or words that our children think about themselves. Have you ever heard your child say, “I’m stupid”? It is heartbreaking, for you and them. ...
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Do you need a little inspiration when it comes to making dinner? Maybe making spaghetti every Friday is your routine. That is great! You don’t need to reinvent the wheel every week to have a diverse meal plan. But, what if you don’t have a routine…. or a meal plan? That is where we want to help you! Here are a few suggestions for making...
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As you re-dedicate yourself to your organizing resolution starting this month and to help you I am focusing on organizing your schedule, here are the last six tips to organizing your schedule… 5. Pick three daily wins. As you jot down all the things you need to get done each day and how long you think they will take, use a highlighter pen and select...
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Barbara Hemphill asserted the notion that clutter is just an unmade decision, so it stands to reason that deciding to be productive is the first step to becoming productive.
After a busy Holiday season who couldn’t use a little “me” time? Many people fall into a pattern of taking care of their family, kids, careers, relationships, events, kid’s activities, and more that they may realize an important part is missing… a break. “There’s a tremendous amount of stress and pressure put on women: being parents, being daughters, mothers, wives, professionals. All of these roles...
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As the holidays have unwrapped and the New Year is upon us, many Richmond, VA homeowners will be turning their attention to the real estate market and look to sell their property in the spring. Just as you plan months in advance for the wonderful holidays, you want to do the same to prepare your house for its first impression. Here are my top 5...
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The holidays have arrived and Christmas is in the air. Last minute shopping consumes our time and fancy decorations surround us. It’s easy to get caught up in the joy that giving and getting gifts brings, but there are other valuable factors to remember during the holiday season. What is really important to you? We live in a hectic, busy, and complicated world and more...
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Every parent has experienced a brief, terrifying moment when their stomach drops… “Where is my child?” As short-lived as that moment may have lasted, it makes you wonder, what if? As the holidays approach and vacations are underway, grocery stores are busy and malls become chaotic. Losing a child is a parent’s worst nightmare and it’s always best to be prepared. Before you go anywhere,...
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