The very worst emergency plan is no plan. The next worse is two plans. ~Author Unknown National Preparedness Month is a nationwide effort held each September to encourage Americans to take simple steps to prepare for emergencies in their homes, businesses and schools. National Preparedness Month is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. The goal of the month is to increase public awareness...
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More than just a travel organizer, the Smead organizer is a unique 3-tab folder keeps all of your important papers in one convenient place. Great for organizing school notes, schedules, calendars, permission slips, and more. Also ideal for students who need an easy system to collect and organize resources for a term paper or research project.
Whether you’re traveling, collecting school info, or coordinating a business project, the Smead Travel Organizer is a fantastic way to organize all of your papers. It gives you quick, easy access to important documents while protecting them from damage. With three clear tabbed section dividers that hold letter-sized paper and a smaller front pocket, you’ll have plenty of space to hold the information you need....
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This summer has flown by and it is hard to believe that the beginning of school is almost upon us. While this time of year can be quite stressful, what with the mounds of paper that will begin to pour onto your kitchen counter and the busy schedule that will soon replace the laid back days of the summer, it does not have to be....
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Do your kids’ items find their way to the “lost and found” box at school instead of back home? Label jackets, coats, backpacks, shoes, pencil boxes, lunch boxes, and so much more with Stuck On You USA! Personalize with your child’s name and a fun design created just for kids. Stick-on, iron-on, and sew-on labels are available so you can attach in the most appropriate...
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A long time ago, in a generation far, far away (OK, not so far) there used to be very clear boundaries between work and home. Remember Leave it to Beaver, I Love Lucy or Happy Days (now I have you guessing how old I am =). Dad came home when the sun was still out and never thought about work until he left the next...
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Does every day feel like a Monday with everyone in the family making demands on your time? “Mom, where is my homework? Honey, can you pick up my dry cleaning? Mom, I can’t find my Lego Hero Factory toy!” It is easy to allow yourself to get so caught up in everyone else’s issues and hover like a helicopter ready to land and triage every...
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Recently many families have struggled because of tough economic times and increasingly stressful situations. Some have had to move, change their lifestyles, find a new job, or learn new ways to manage money. While these major life changes seem like adult issues, there’s no doubt that they also affect kids in very real ways. Parents need to recognize that kids are very intuitive! They generally...
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When do your kids pick a fight? When you are on the phone, in the car, or at a store? No matter the answer let’s suffice it to say that it is never at a “good” time. And I don’t know about you, but playing referee is about as fun to me as cleaning a toilet! Love & Logic® Parenting teaches that you love your...
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There are two types of bill payers: those who pay the bills the day they arrive (individual payers) and those who pay a group of bills when they get paid (batch payers). It doesn’t really matter which one you are; what matters is that you pay the bills on time and that you have money in the bank when they clear. If you are a...
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