Tоdау, families аrе buѕіеr than еvеr. Wе rush frоm оnе thing to the nеxt, juggling it all, wоrk, kids, and maybe even a ѕосіаl lіfе (іf wе’rе lucky). Unfortunately, runnіng аt thіѕ расе саn bе hесtіс аnd ѕtrеѕѕful fоr аll thоѕе іnvоlvеd. Pаrеntѕ, in раrtісulаr, mау hаvе trоublе сооrdіnаtіng thеіr kіdѕ‘ ѕроrtѕ рrасtісеѕ, dance lеѕѕоnѕ, and ѕсhооl асtіvіtіеѕ. I wоn’t еvеn mеntіоn all thе extra tіmе required for other...
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I’m sure you’d agree, the bathroom is one of the easiest rooms in your house to mess up! Between shampoo, conditioner, toothbrush, soap, toothpaste, make-up, brushes, hair spray, razors, perfumes, not to mention washcloths and towels… that is a lot to organize in usually a small) space!
Last week, we answered a reader question about decluttering paper pile-ups and creating a filing system. Before getting started organizing your personal system, here are a couple of our favorite products that will be important to breaking the bad habit of not filing:
It comes from everywhere – junk mail, magazines, coupons, kid’s school papers, bills, etc. Then there is the issue of keeping papers that really could/should be tossed or shred. Here are some questions some of our readers had about how to handle stacks of paper and implement a system to keep paper from piling up again.
. Thanks for organizing 2015 with us!! . Let’s take a look back and see the SIMPLE 26 ways to get organized from 2015… It’s SIMPLE – Let’s Get Started! It’s the year to get organized. Come To Order can help! Throughout 2015, we’ll give you 26 ways to get organized to motivate you to successfully organize! Spending Time Organizing Today = Save...
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The most important thing we can give ourselves at Christmas is relationships. Yet, with the hustle and bustle of decorating, baking, shopping and wrapping, it is easy to clutter up relationships with things that are really less important in the long run. And, it’s easier said-than-done to not be overwhelmed with time or cluttered with shopping lists. So, here are a few tips Kathi Lipp...
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Do you know someone who always buys their own gifts? Usually, someone who buys their own gifts has everything they need, right? Well, I have a suggestion for one of the best gifts you can give yourself this holiday – and friends and family can still get a wish list from you! The gift is… strategy! There are several great things about this gift. One,...
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Do you ever think back to the days of building blocks and admire the freedom you had to build, build, build? As a child, “more is better”. It seems like, at some point, you had to trade in the building blocks of childhood for the stumbling blocks of adulthood. I call them clutter. Some clutter creates bigger barriers than others. Missing Tupperware pieces, yesterday’s junk...
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Did you know – clutter and chaos costs us! Living with daily clutter contributes to our stress levels, weight gain and financial debt. We either spend so much time looking for something we can’t find or spend too much money to replace something we already have! To put this into prospective, here are some stats for you: CLUTTER COSTS TIME Getting rid of clutter would...
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