If you are not organized, being flexible is probably a great skill to have – stepping over papers, jumping over laundry. But, we are not talking about being physically flexible – although, there are advantages to that too. Life is about living and being organized helps you live life with less chaos. Apply these same ideas shared by blogger Stepfanie Romine to your home and...
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The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a man’s determination. Tommy Lasorda Working on having improved health and creating a balance in life are a lot like organizing – not a one-time event. Improving health, life, relationships and work is a continual process. You have to be flexible to change as your personal and professional life changes. Take time to...
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As we talked about in our last post, lowering stress can be a stressful task in itself! Author Carlow Cruz makes these suggestions for creating new habits to regain balance in your life: FAMILY TIME Spending time with your family brings great balance to a busy work-life. By spending at least one quality meal together a day will help everyone in your family feel...
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As we approach Spring, it is the perfect time to bring up STRESS MANAGEMENT! Spring is a busy time of year – new sports are beginning, the school year is beginning to wind down, not to mention… spring cleaning. Spring is a time of change – change doesn’t usually bring a sense of peace and relaxation to most of us. Change can often create emotional...
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“Regardless of what it is, if you can simplify it – do so.” Rachael Phillips, Huffington Post Goals are only achieved by creating a habit, then consistently practicing it – so, let’s create new habits! Here are a few tools to get it done: 1. Keep your surroundings organized and you will be more apt to reach your goal, because if you have too many things happening,...
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You can have all the “to-dos” in the world but without goals and planning they will never get “to-done”. In the craziness of everyday, we can get discouraged by the amount of things that need to be done – how, when, why? Well, I’m here to tell you not to give up! Writer Rachael Phillips, suggests these tips to make your goals reachable: Have ONE...
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Did you ever think about this? The more you buy, buy, buy… the more time, space and money goes by, by, by? By organizing your priorities, needs, purpose for spending and budget, you can organize important guidelines for saving money, while not allowing your spending to cost you… spend money and save money at the same time! HAVE A SHOPPING PLAN The answer to...
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Time is one of our most precious resources. Everything we do requires time…. work, play, sleep, vacation, family time, me-time. We cannot turn the clock back or stop it. So, how do we organize our lives so we can “save” time? The only way we can create more time for ourselves is by managing the time we have been given, 24-7. Here are three tips...
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The start of a new year is the perfect time to focus on getting organized. In fact it is one of the top three New Years resolutions. At Come To Order, we don’t want to just motivate you to get organized, but we want you help you know HOW to get started! There are many reasons to get organized, but if you don’t even know...
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Family Photo Organization: A Guide to Organizing Family Photos for Improved Preservation and Sharing is a book written and organized specifically to guide families step by step in building skills that will help them better organize their family photo collections, preserve fading family memories well into the future, and to describe ways to more fully share these treasured family photo images with extended family and...
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