Getting organized isn’t just about being motivated, developing a system, prioritizing or being productive. Whether you want to be spontaneous or you are a planner, getting organized begins with your frame of mind – so, get positive. Here are 10 rules that will help you to get in a positive mind-set and get organized: Don’t wait until you feel motivated – just do it! Make...
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For most areas of my life, the only thing holding me back from achieving my goals is me. I know what I should do – what I could do – but when it comes right down to it, excuses slip in and override my good intentions… Glynnis Whitwer School has been in session for a month or so now – fall will arrive soon and we will need to...
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According to National Public Radio, the average American house size has more than doubled since the 1950s. Yes, that means more space. Just what we all need…right? Think about this. C. Northcote Parkinson once said, ‘Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.’ This means that if you’re told to have a project due next week, the project will be finished...
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As professional organizers, we don’t want to just motivate you to get organized — we want you help you know HOW to get started! There are many reasons to get organized, but if you don’t even know where to start, how do you do anything at all? To begin the organizing process, sort your stuff into broad categories by piling like things together, like you...
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This may surprise you… but, clutter creates chaos in our lives! Are you surprised? It’s so true! Keeping stuff around that we don’t need or don’t use impacts both our personal sanity, relationships, resources and the world around us. Look at this list written by designer Christopher Thomas: Do you relate to that list? There are many things that we could all do without!...
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If you are not organized, being flexible is probably a great skill to have – stepping over papers, jumping over laundry. But, we are not talking about being physically flexible – although, there are advantages to that too. Life is about living and being organized helps you live life with less chaos. Apply these same ideas shared by blogger Stepfanie Romine to your home and...
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The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a man’s determination. Tommy Lasorda Working on having improved health and creating a balance in life are a lot like organizing – not a one-time event. Improving health, life, relationships and work is a continual process. You have to be flexible to change as your personal and professional life changes. Take time to...
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The start of a new year is the perfect time to focus on getting organized. In fact it is one of the top three New Years resolutions. At Come To Order, we don’t want to just motivate you to get organized, but we want you help you know HOW to get started! There are many reasons to get organized, but if you don’t even know...
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If you have young children, it probably seems like the day will never come when they will be able to stay home by themselves, let alone establish a routine and follow house rules. But, it will be here before you know it… they will become teenagers! So, how do you involve your kids in establishing home-alone rules? No more sweeping this under the rug!! Here are...
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Have you ever heard the expression, “There is no “I” in team”? That is true when it comes to maintaining and caring for a home. If you are the provider or main caretaker in the home, everyone needs to have responsibilities and appropriate workloads to allow you to keep up with a functioning home. Although it often seems as if keeping everyone on task is...
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