Spring Cleaning Tips

Spring Cleaning Tips

When I was little, I remember spring cleaning being a complete top-to-bottom cleaning of every inch of my house. For what seems like an entire week, our whole family removed, cleaned, and replaced everything to create that spring-fresh feeling.

Today, spring cleaning doesn’t seem to be such a big event.  But, there are a few tasks that need to be performed seasonally.  To see our top chores that need to be done this season, we’d love for you to have your own copy of our Spring Cleaning Checklist.

Come To Order printable checklist for organized spring cleaning

As always, remember to keep it SIMPLE!

Even if you are typically don’t like DIY cleaners, we are sure you will love these tips and tricks for spring cleaning or our cleaning board on Pinterest.


Kathy Jenkins is a nationally recognized certified organizer, speaker and writer.  She is the founder of Come To Order and is dedicated to helping her clients simplify their lives by reducing clutter, organizing their homes and offices, and managing their time. For more tips on organizing your schedule, life and home, follow Kathy on Twitter.

Come To Order

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