Simple Ways to Manage Your Stress During the Holidays!

SIMPLE WAYS TO MANAGE STRESS DURING HOLIDAYS - freedigitalphotos.netDo you ever think to yourself, “I am so stressed; I don’t know where to begin!”

Do the holidays cause you to want to hide until spring? It’s the most wonderful time of the year, but it can also be the most stressful.

Don’t worry, you are not alone. We all have those moments. Here are some simple strategies to help manage your stress:

1. Stand up, stretch and take a deep breath. When you take a deep breath and stretch, you will give your body the much needed oxygen to help you to regain your focus. When you get up and walk around even for a minute, you tell your body to loosen up and release some of that stress from your muscles and inflate your lungs to their full capacity.

2. Now that your brain and muscles have been revived with O2, you can focus on your holiday to-do list. First, try and restructure your holiday list. Is there something on your list that doesn’t need to be there? Can you move things around so that you can give yourself a break? Remember, no one is perfect! Do the best that you can and strive for success, but don’t forget to take time to recharge. Your friends and family will thank you if you’re more relaxed during the holidays.

3. Last, stay positive! Life often hands us difficult trials, but we get to choose how we deal with them. While there is no total cure for stress, the more positive you can approach these trials in your life the happier you will be.

What you put into the holiday season and the attitude in which you approach it, will be what you get out of it. Stay focused on the important things – faith, family, friends and community – and you will have the best, stress-less season ever!

Check back soon for more tips on how to get organized for the Holidays.

 image credit: Image courtesy of imagerymajestic /

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