Students (and Parents) Will Love the Subject Sleeve
We think you’ll find numerous uses for these throughout the home, but they really are the perfect subject organizer for middle school and high school students! The Subject Sleeve is a tough, clear, vinyl pouch perfect for holding a spiral notebook or 3-ring binder, homework folder, and most textbooks. Because of the clear design, students can easily locate and grab a single subject out of their locker or backpack. Also great for organizing music for band lessons, scripts for drama students, or any material particular to a specific extracurricular activity.
Moms and dads can use them to organize items around their activities, too. For example, fill one sleeve with magazine articles, newsletters, and a book or two so you can catch up on your reading while you wait to pick up kids.
The Gusseted design expands to hold up to 2″ – 2 1/2″ of folders and binders. Each sleeve comes with a colored folder with 2 pockets for homework. Dimensions: 12″ x 13″ x 1″