Did you ever think about this? The more you buy, buy, buy… the more time, space and money goes by, by, by? By organizing your priorities, needs, purpose for spending and budget, you can organize important guidelines for saving money, while not allowing your spending to cost you… spend money and save money at the same time! HAVE A SHOPPING PLAN The answer to...
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Time is one of our most precious resources. Everything we do requires time…. work, play, sleep, vacation, family time, me-time. We cannot turn the clock back or stop it. So, how do we organize our lives so we can “save” time? The only way we can create more time for ourselves is by managing the time we have been given, 24-7. Here are three tips...
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The start of a new year is the perfect time to focus on getting organized. In fact it is one of the top three New Years resolutions. At Come To Order, we don’t want to just motivate you to get organized, but we want you help you know HOW to get started! There are many reasons to get organized, but if you don’t even know...
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