Tag: bill paying


Feb 2012

CTO Recommends Neat Receipts for Organizing Tax Information

NeatReceipts Mobile Scanner and Digital Filing System enables you to scan receipts, business cards and documents so you can organize, store and secure all your important information. The great thing about NeatReceipts is the way it identifies and extracts the important information–and automatically organizes it for you! This makes it so much easier to create expense reports for tax purposes. You can export information to...

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Feb 2011

What Kind of Bill Payer are You?

There are two types of bill payers: those who pay the bills the day they arrive (individual payers) and those who pay a group of bills when they get paid (batch payers). It doesn’t really matter which one you are; what matters is that you pay the bills on time and that you have money in the bank when they clear. If you are a...

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