Tag: Family Management


Jun 2014

Do your teenagers help around the house…. when you aren’t there?

If you have young children, it probably seems like the day will never come when they will be able to stay home by themselves, let alone establish a routine and follow house rules.  But, it will be here before you know it… they will become teenagers! So, how do you involve your kids in establishing home-alone rules?  No more sweeping this under the rug!!  Here are...

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Jun 2014

Do your kids help around the house?

Have you ever heard the expression, “There is no “I” in team”?  That is true when it comes to maintaining and caring for a home.  If you are the provider or main caretaker in the home, everyone needs to have responsibilities and appropriate workloads to allow you to keep up with a functioning home. Although it often seems as if keeping everyone on task is...

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Jun 2014

How do your kids help around the house… after school?

Many children come home to an empty house after school.  It isn’t an easy situation for a child or the parent!  You’ll both benefit from establishing routines and house rules early on.  So, how do reassure your children they are loved, even if you aren’t there?  Here are some suggestions: Leave a stick-note or two around the house with encouraging messages. Make sure that you...

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Jun 2014

Organizing Your Entryway

I want you to try something… walk through your front door like it is the first time you are stepping into your home.  What is your impression?  Is your home open and inviting?  Does being in your entryway or foyer make you feel like receiving (or giving) a warm handshake or welcoming hug? Because you pass through this space in your home several times each day, your...

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Is Empathy a Gift?


May 2014

Is Empathy a Gift?

If being “empathetic” doesn’t come naturally to you, you will definitely relate to what I have to say!  Using sincere empathy on a consistent basis can be difficult.  Right?  Think about situations that have required empathy in the past.  Times when you needed to be sensitive or needed to relate to your son or daughter’s emotional state or circumstances.  Think about how you wish you...

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Clutter to Commemoration


May 2014

Clutter to Commemoration

Family Photo Organization: A Guide to Organizing Family Photos for Improved Preservation and Sharing  is a book written and organized specifically to guide families step by step in building skills that will help them better organize their family photo collections, preserve fading family memories well into the future, and to describe ways to more fully share these treasured family photo images with extended family and...

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Photo Archiving


May 2014

Photo Archiving

Treasured memories and traditions are often captured with photographs.  Especially with cell phones and iPods, catching every moment is not only a part of our daily lives, it has become a social custom.  To insure your images don’t get stuck in your phone or printed photographs aren’t shoved into drawers or shoeboxes or displayed in albums that will fade over time, here are some suggestions...

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Clutter Control for Kids


May 2014

Clutter Control for Kids

Playing is often times the best way for children to accomplish a task, even when it comes to combatting household clutter.  Dirty laundry, abandoned toys, endless refrigerator art work and unmade beds, have a way of creeping into our everyday lives.  And, it isn’t fun. But, we have a couple “fun” tactics for cleaning up the kid-clutter: FRIDGE OR COMMAND CENTER Let’s start with the...

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Tips for Better Time Management


May 2014

Tips for Better Time Management

Good Foods Grocery  |  Gayton Crossing Resource Room THURSDAY, MAY 8—6:30PM-7:30PM Not feeling like time is on your side?  Too much to do and not enough time?  Certified Professional Organizer Kathy Jenkins will share with you a new perspective on how to view time.  Learn time management basics, how to manage distractions and interruptions, and how to juggle all that you have to do.  We...

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Parting with Memories


May 2014

Parting with Memories

In our crazy busy lives we cherish the precious moments that we have in our lives. Sometimes that is a wedding, a trip, a performance or the art work that your kids bring home from school. Those times are so special we never want to forget them so we hold on to anything that we think will remind us… the ticket stub, the program, the...

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