Let’s Get Cooking: Organizing My Recipe Box When you think about it, getting prepared for a family meal or planning a week’s worth of grocery shopping for a family is pretty overwhelming. Even if you enjoy the process of deciding on what ingredients you need, going to the store to buy them, putting them in the pantry or the fridge, preparing meals from familiar or...
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As a new school year approaches or has just begun, are you needing to find your pep again? By “PEP”, I mean Productivity, Effective organization and Prioritizing – of course! College Life Expert, Kelci Lynn Lucier, suggests these five rules being productive and avoid becoming overwhelmed. Although her suggestions on About Education are geared toward college students, we can certainly use her tips to simplify...
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When it comes to a new year of school, organizing shoes, backpacks and coats replaces the task of organizing summer towels and flip flops. How do you organize your entry space or mudroom as you get ready to send your kids back to school? We suggest the Home Styles Naples Hall Tree! It provides ample storage, organization and it adds style to your home while...
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According to National Public Radio, the average American house size has more than doubled since the 1950s. Yes, that means more space. Just what we all need…right? Think about this. C. Northcote Parkinson once said, ‘Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.’ This means that if you’re told to have a project due next week, the project will be finished...
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