We love trackers and we love this one! The Level Money App automatically updates spendable cash as you make purchases each day, providing a simple, real-time picture of how you’re doing in order to stay in the black. It assists you in drawing a straight line from everyday decisions to larger achievements and accomplish the things that matter. The top US banks support connections to Level and the...
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Did you ever think about this? The more you buy, buy, buy… the more time, space and money goes by, by, by? By organizing your priorities, needs, purpose for spending and budget, you can organize important guidelines for saving money, while not allowing your spending to cost you… spend money and save money at the same time! HAVE A SHOPPING PLAN The answer to...
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There are two types of bill payers: those who pay the bills the day they arrive (individual payers) and those who pay a group of bills when they get paid (batch payers). It doesn’t really matter which one you are; what matters is that you pay the bills on time and that you have money in the bank when they clear. If you are a...
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