Although we should practice giving all year ‘round, it is almost that time of year – the time to give and to receive! So, why not give your best intentions and give someone you love the gift that keeps on giving? This week, we are giving away books – cute, compact collection of helpful coupons that will put a smile on the face of...
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At Come To Order, we love helping you let go of clutter. During the Holidays we want to make trimming your tree a cinch, so we have a great deal for you and your friends. Let us help you decorate & no one will look like the Grinch! Here are some images from a recent happy client: If you are interested in a Come To Order...
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Do you ever think back to the days of building blocks and admire the freedom you had to build, build, build? As a child, “more is better”. It seems like, at some point, you had to trade in the building blocks of childhood for the stumbling blocks of adulthood. I call them clutter. Some clutter creates bigger barriers than others. Missing Tupperware pieces, yesterday’s junk...
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Did you know – clutter and chaos costs us! Living with daily clutter contributes to our stress levels, weight gain and financial debt. We either spend so much time looking for something we can’t find or spend too much money to replace something we already have! To put this into prospective, here are some stats for you: CLUTTER COSTS TIME Getting rid of clutter would...
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When it comes to everyday life and managing time, we often have expectations of ourselves that make us unorganized and overwhelmed. Taking on too many things at one time and being a protectionist both create pressure on ourselves. What do you do when you can’t manage it all anymore? Prioritize the things you have to do. Give up control of the things you don’t have...
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Moving a child into a dorm takes a lot of organizing! You forget how many things you use on a daily basis and take for granted having at home. Not only is the packing process important, organizing in typically small spaces takes some creativity. Here are several key tips for packing and staying organized all year: Cleaning out the childhood-treasures Geralin Thomas, a Professional Organizer...
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Kathy talks with John Hunt of SMEAD: Keeping You Organized about Learning Styles and How they Affect Student Organizing. As a new school year goes into session, understanding and recognizing how your child naturally learns, schoolwork and homework will be a productive process!! So, what does student organizing help recognize? Knowing your child’s learning style How they manage paper and electronic management Time and...
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This may surprise you… but, clutter creates chaos in our lives! Are you surprised? It’s so true! Keeping stuff around that we don’t need or don’t use impacts both our personal sanity, relationships, resources and the world around us. Look at this list written by designer Christopher Thomas: Do you relate to that list? There are many things that we could all do without!...
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A household budget is an organizing task that adults deal with on a daily basis – whether we want to or not. And, if your budget isn’t organized, you may be surprised where your money is going without even realizing it! Author Akeia Dixon gives these four simple steps for organizing a home budget at The Nest [dot] com by Demand Media. Keep all of...
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Most of us have a daily beauty routine – it is a part of most of our lives. Whether you simply wash and moisturize or have a full on make-up studio. We all want to feel and look put together and having an organized system for getting there makes it an enjoyable and productive process. So, how do you organized make-up? Here are a few...
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