“All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.” Pablo Picasso Does your fridge look like a cluttered museum? Have you had to invest in a magnet company to keep up with everything your child does? Here are some questions about how to organize your child’s artwork and create a family archive, without making your family room...
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We all know “parenting doesn’t come with an instruction book”. There are many places we can go to seek advice. Some of you have “come to order” with your questions about parenting and we would love to answer them! Q. I am sick of my daughter rolling her eyes at me or stomping her feet when she doesn’t like something I say. How can I talk...
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As it comes to routines, time management and seasonal changes, there are several tips that Dr. Foster Cline, M.D. and Jim Fay give for managing involvement in sports in the book Parenting Teens with Love & Logic: Preparing Adolescents for Responsible Adulthood: “Guard against parental over-involvement” Whether you’re fighting against the clock in the morning or on the bleachers at your daughter’s basketball game, make...
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It is back to school time and it is time to unclutter! But what does that really mean and how do you lead by example when it comes to organizing a child’s room? Professional Organizer Autumn Leopold of Smart-Happy-Organized shares some of her favorite tips: 10 Lessons for Parents and Kids When I hear the word clutter, I think of an endless process and the...
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Kathy Jenkins joins Paige Trevor for this article published on Washington Parent {dot} com. Parents tend to see most aspects of child rearing as a matter of getting our words right. In order to teach our kids how to do everything from dressing themselves to packing their backpacks to cleaning their rooms, we talk… < READ MORE > Preparing for a new school year is...
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Have you ever considered how “entitlement” controls our lives, especially as children? “We enter the adult world expecting far too much from others and far too little from ourselves,” says authors Foster Cline, MD and Jim Fay. Allowing the attitude and habit of entitlement as a child, inhibits children to be responsible in adulthood, knowing how to attain or maintain their lifestyle other than demanding...
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“If you have stuff all over your bedroom floor, don’t expect your kids to understand why you are insisting that their floor be clean.” Kathy Jenkins Minimizing kid clothing chaos isn’t about spending a fortune on new furniture or a custom closet. It’s about getting your youngster to buy in. Before shopping for new organizers, Jenkins recommends doing a thorough evaluation of your child’s...
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Are you looking for something to help simplify your laundry routine? We have just the thing for you!! The Whitmor Easycare Double Hamper – it’s chic enough for any room of your home and makes laundry organization easier than ever before. This hamper’s lightweight aluminum frame is complemented by a heavy duty polyester bag with laminated vinyl interior. It is easy to clean and sturdy...
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If you have a tween or teen, then you know how important having a curfew is. They say they don’t like it, but all adolescents need (and actually crave) boundaries. They may act like they are 20 when they are 12, but emotionally they are still 12 and it is a big scary world out there if no one has your back. Boundaries, like a...
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