Doesn’t it seem like everything breaks during the holidays – or at least at the most inconvenient time? Here are some simple tips to maintain your home so your Christmas is merry and bright: Maintain your landscaping. Throughout the year, set reminders to check the height of your shrubs and trees. Check with your county or neighborhood association once a year as well – there...
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Hello, December! Not only are we getting ready to celebrate Christmas, but we are also looking ahead to new beginnings as a New Year approaches. So, whether you are looking for a gift for yourself or a friend, this wall calendar would make a perfect gift under the tree or in a stocking to start your new year out right. The Big Grid Chalk Wall...
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SNEAK PEAK: Taking pictures this year will make it easier to remember what you liked next year so you can replicate it or change what you didn’t. It might be helpful to take pictures before you decorate for the holidays, so when it comes time to replace the year-round decorations, you will know exactly where things belong. December 2015 – Kathy Jenkins, CPO 8...
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Do you ever think back to the days of building blocks and admire the freedom you had to build, build, build? As a child, “more is better”. It seems like, at some point, you had to trade in the building blocks of childhood for the stumbling blocks of adulthood. I call them clutter. Some clutter creates bigger barriers than others. Missing Tupperware pieces, yesterday’s junk...
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When it comes to everyday life and managing time, we often have expectations of ourselves that make us unorganized and overwhelmed. Taking on too many things at one time and being a protectionist both create pressure on ourselves. What do you do when you can’t manage it all anymore? Prioritize the things you have to do. Give up control of the things you don’t have...
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As it comes to routines, time management and seasonal changes, there are several tips that Dr. Foster Cline, M.D. and Jim Fay give for managing involvement in sports in the book Parenting Teens with Love & Logic: Preparing Adolescents for Responsible Adulthood: “Guard against parental over-involvement” Whether you’re fighting against the clock in the morning or on the bleachers at your daughter’s basketball game, make...
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Have you thought about being overwhelmed? Have you ever consider that, other than uncontrollable life circumstance, most of the stress we have is self-induced. Expectations we have of ourselves, taking on too many things at one time and being a protectionist all create pressure on ourselves. Besides asking for help, here are two suggestions that will help simplify your life and get you on your...
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Moving a child into a dorm takes a lot of organizing! You forget how many things you use on a daily basis and take for granted having at home. Not only is the packing process important, organizing in typically small spaces takes some creativity. Here are several key tips for packing and staying organized all year: Cleaning out the childhood-treasures Geralin Thomas, a Professional Organizer...
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Kathy Jenkins joins Paige Trevor for this article published on Washington Parent {dot} com. Parents tend to see most aspects of child rearing as a matter of getting our words right. In order to teach our kids how to do everything from dressing themselves to packing their backpacks to cleaning their rooms, we talk… < READ MORE > Preparing for a new school year is...
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If you are asleep, you may want to wake up to read about this app!! The Wake N Shake Alarm Clock for iPhone forces you awake. How?? You have to shake your phone to shut off the alarm. It shows you no mercy! There is not a snooze button and you can’t lower the volume or shut it off by hitting the home button. The...
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