Tag: prescription drugs


Apr 2013

Clean Your Medicine Cabinets for National Drug Take-Back Day

This Saturday, April 7 is the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration’s sixth National Drug Take-Back Day, so it’s a great time to clean out all the medicine cabinets in your home. Some of you may be in the habit of flushing expired prescription pills down the toilet or just tossing them in the trash, but neither one of these are very good ideas. Flushed medications can...

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Apr 2012

Dispose of Expired and Unwanted Medicine

Do you have expired drugs or medications in your medicine cabinet? Do you have leftover prescription drugs that you’re no longer using? If so, it’s a good idea to clean out your cabinet, because these medications can pose a potential health risk. When you take medication, whether for a headache or a bad cold, you want it to work, but if the drug has expired,...

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