One of the biggest clutterers of the kitchen can be the odds-and-ends of menu planning, grocery lists and recipes. Recipe cards, favorite cookbook recipes and torn out magazine articles often get stuffed in drawers and stuck on the fridge don’t make for efficient cooking… or good decorating. So, to help you organize your menus, holiday favorites or everyday recipes, we love CreateMyCookbook and you will love...
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Savory Eating If you are looking for something to conveniently store and display your favorite recipes, the C.R. Gibson Vertical Recipe Keeper Flip Stand, Savory Eats Flip-Style Recipe Keeper is for you! In addition to being handy on your counter and not taking up too much space, it keeps your recipes organized into categories (12 are included). It is durable and will match every décor...
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When organizing your cookbooks and recipes, getting all the loose pieces in one place is important. If you are looking for the perfect binder kit, you have found it! This 3-ring binder recipe organizer by Meadowsweet Kitchen allows to you add all types of recipes to organize and make your own cookbook. The cover is a brown metallic embossed striped paper with a turquoise embossed...
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Cookbooks… you tend to love them or hate them. They are handy to have around, but they can also take up valuable space in your kitchen or pantry. Here are a couple suggestions for organizing your cookbooks, whether you a have a few or a slew: How do I decide if I need all my cookbooks? If you are needing to purge your collection, ask...
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When you think about it, getting prepared for a family meal or planning a week’s worth of grocery shopping for a family is pretty overwhelming. Even if you enjoy the process of deciding on what ingredients you need, going to the store to buy them, putting them in the pantry or the fridge, preparing meals from familiar or new recipes several times a day, setting...
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You always appreciate a little help in the kitchen. Here is a great resource to help make meal time planning easier! You can be “meal-wise and money-wise” with Emeals! This meal planning service helps you manage your food budget and enjoy delicious dinner recipes at home. Each menu plan is based on weekly grocery store sales, seasonal discounts or diet preferences. You choose the store....
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