Doesn’t it seem like everything breaks during the holidays – or at least at the most inconvenient time? Here are some simple tips to maintain your home so your Christmas is merry and bright: Maintain your landscaping. Throughout the year, set reminders to check the height of your shrubs and trees. Check with your county or neighborhood association once a year as well – there...
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Mother Nature is reminding us that summer is over and winter is on its way! When it gets chilly outside, many of us automatically think our lawn work is done for the year. No more mowing, no more weeding, and no more trimming. No so fast! Before you put away all of your gardening tools and equipment, there are a few tasks you’ll want to...
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Have you noticed that the nights are getting a little cooler? Maybe you’re considering breaking out the flannel sheets and blankets to ward off the initial chill in the morning. And if that hasn’t gotten your attention, how about the alarm going off in the morning and it is still dark. These are sure a sign that fall is already upon us, so now is...
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