The Season of Giving (and Making Memories)

Excerpts of this article are taken from the Wednesday “Insider’s Club” e-Newsletter by Dr. Charles Fay of the Love and Logic® Institute.  You can subscribe to the newsletter

Have you noticed how much effort some folks put into finding just the right Christmas gifts for their child? I bet you know someone who doesn’t think twice about spending endless hours – or even days – scouring store shelves for that awesome action figure, digital doodad, or doll their child has been wanting or the perfect earrings, sweater or home décor item a friend or relative has been wanting.

Let’s think about it. Is there anything wrong with this? What’s the problem with spending lots of time and energy looking for neat and nifty Christmas gifts for our kids, family and friends?

Nothing. But…

What happens when we exert more energy on finding these gifts than showing those special people in our lives what a gift they are to us?

Ouch! I’ve done this. Yes, I’ve fallen into this trap! I’ve worn-out myself trying to make things perfect that I’ve forgotten the most perfect gift of all: the expression of never-ending, unconditional love.

We’re all wired to need it. All of us yearn for a relationship with someone who will love us forever, regardless of how stinky we behave. Isn’t this the greatest gift we can give our loved ones? Isn’t this what Christmas is really about?

During this Holiday season, my hope is that you’ll…

  • spend more time playing with your kids or hanging out with your friends and relatives than you spend shopping for them;
  • remember that the gift they really yearn for is you;
  • hug them and smile into their eyes as often as possible; and
  • show them through your never-ending love what a precious gift they are.

Throughout the month we will address how to deal with all of the wonderful memories that will be made this season. Memories & paper are the biggest burdens I see in the average home. What to do with the pinecone turkeys and other dimensional art work, cards, pictures, tropheys, awards, etc. “Like” us on Face Book and Follow us on Twitter so you get great tips and resources throughout the month.

Wishes for a simple Holiday that is focused on people, not stuff and a New Year that is prosperous in ways that don’t involve possessions.

Come To Order

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