Family Management:  Learning to Tweak Your Week

Family Management: Learning to Tweak Your Week

If you read our last 26 Reasons to Get Organized blog post, Get Back Your UMPH, we suggested ways to find more free time.  Life is so full of tasks, deadlines and keeping up, we aren’t able to find “free time” often enough.

The number one way to find more time is… to turn off the TV!  Not giving up TV all together, but making some tweaks:

  • Turn the TV on 30 minutes after you would normally turn it on
  • Turn the TV off 30 minutes before you would normally turn it off
  • Don’t turn on the TV unless you have a specific show you’d like to watch
  • Use your DVR, so you can fast-forward through the commercials!

A little free time (“me” time) will go a long way – being organized will enhance and improve your relationships with others.

Managing your life and your family can be overwhelming.  Here are a couple tips that may be able to help you acquire skills in team building, delegation, forecasting, creating a routine, and sticking to a schedule:

  1. Acknowledge the importance your job description.
  2. Define your mission.
  3. Manage by department.
  4. Be true to your unique management style.
  5. Communicate and compromise.
  6. Use teamwork.
  7. Establish daily routines and expectations.
  8. Prioritize.
  9. Manage time and resources.
  10. Know the fundamentals of life in your house.

Going into the summer, what “me time” are you planning to take?

If you are planning to take some time off, let us help you plan your vacation!  And, we’d love to hear about your free time (and how you made it work) below!

To read the full article from Kathy Jenkins about The Art of Family Management.

Kathy Jenkins is a nationally recognized certified professional organizer, speaker and writer.  She is the founder of Come To Order and is dedicated to helping her clients simplify their lives by reducing clutter, organizing their homes and offices, and managing their time. For more tips on organizing your schedule, life and home, follow Kathy on Twitter.

Come To Order

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