Communication…The Key To Realizing Your Vision

family communicationCommunication…the shortest distance between two people is understanding each other.

Last month we challenged you to create a vision for your space. But that vision will only become a reality when you begin to share it with others.

One of the biggest and most common stumbling blocks I have seen as a professional organizer is that not everyone in the household is on the same page. Parents tell their kids “Go clean your room,” and the kids usually fall short because what they think is clean and organized is much different from what their parents think. To be successful in organizing your home, it is imperative for you to share ideas, wishes and expectations and help others understand your reasons behind them.

We encourage you to communicate your vision for your space to those around you. If you live in a home with others, you could discuss expectations over dinner. If you live alone, you can share your vision with a family member or friend who can help you stay on track.

For example, think about your vision for an organized family room. Now make a list of things that should get done each night and each week to ensure that vision becomes reality.

  • Remotes for electronics put away in their designated spots
  • DVDs, video game cartridges, and game controllers stored properly
  • No toys or books scattered on the floor
  • Magazines in a basket or on the coffee table, stacked neatly
  • Vacuumed and dusted weekly

Once you’ve explained these goals to your family, it’s time to get them engaged in maintaining your vision. A great way to start is by agreeing on who is responsible for what! As a Certified Family Manager Coach, I am able to help families establish routines that help them stay organized. This can include morning, after school and evening routines, chores for kids and meal planning. Download and print off this chart as a great starting place.

Another option is to attend a class to get some helpful tips on establishing a family communication plan. Try our Life Management Strategies for Busy Parents class at University of Richmond – School of Professional and Continuing Studies on February 14 from 12:00 – 1:30PM. We’ll focus on managing by department, team building, delegating, time management, maximizing a person’s strengths and more. We’ll also explore the top ten life management strategies that will help the busiest of parents stay organized.

To make communication and schedules easier to manage, we recommend meal planning. Do you spend most evenings staring into the pantry wondering what you’re going to make for dinner? We have a strategy to help you your meals, create a grocery list and make dinner time less stressful and more fun. Plan to attend our Honey, What’s for Dinner class in April and learn how to plan a month’s worth of dinners and create a grocery list so you spend less time and money at the store!

Having a vision is just the beginning to an organized home. You won’t achieve it if you don’t communicate that vision to the rest of your family, who can both take responsibility for specific tasks and hold you accountable as well. We encourage you to open the lines of communication in your household and set clear, straightforward ground rules so you can all work together toward creating a simpler, more enjoyable life!

Image credit: yewkeo / 123RF Stock Photo

Come To Order

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