Tag: Family Management


Apr 2014

Organize Your Family Medical Records

Whether making an appointment or in the middle of an emergency, having medical records handy and updated are an essential part of keeping your family healthy.  However, if your family is small or large, keeping up with records can be overwhelming. Keeping organized records of your family’s medical history, medications and insurance is important for a couple of reasons: 1.  Keeping medical records accessible reduces...

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Mar 2014

Get Your Child Thinking

A great gift we can give our children is the gift of good thinking skills. One of the best and quickest ways to start giving them this gift is to get in the habit of asking them questions. They will become better thinkers the more questions we ask.


Feb 2014

Ten Tips for Organizing a Sane and Productive Day (Part 2)

As you re-dedicate yourself to your organizing resolution starting this month and to help you I am focusing on organizing your schedule, here are the last six tips to organizing your schedule… 5.   Pick three daily wins. As you jot down all the things you need to get done each day and how long you think they will take, use a highlighter pen and select...

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