Have you thought about being overwhelmed? Have you ever consider that, other than uncontrollable life circumstance, most of the stress we have is self-induced. Expectations we have of ourselves, taking on too many things at one time and being a protectionist all create pressure on ourselves. Besides asking for help, here are two suggestions that will help simplify your life and get you on your...
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Happy Labor Day!!! September is here – and so is a brand new school year! For kids, that brings excitement and a bit of nervousness. For parents, that brings… well, excitement and nervousness (but, for different reasons). The school year brings a change of pace from a laid back summer – making brown paper bag lunches, checking to make sure socks and shoes match, catching...
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As a new school year approaches or has just begun, are you needing to find your pep again? By “PEP”, I mean Productivity, Effective organization and Prioritizing – of course! College Life Expert, Kelci Lynn Lucier, suggests these five rules being productive and avoid becoming overwhelmed. Although her suggestions on About Education are geared toward college students, we can certainly use her tips to simplify...
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Moving a child into a dorm takes a lot of organizing! You forget how many things you use on a daily basis and take for granted having at home. Not only is the packing process important, organizing in typically small spaces takes some creativity. Here are several key tips for packing and staying organized all year: Cleaning out the childhood-treasures Geralin Thomas, a Professional Organizer...
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Kathy Jenkins joins Paige Trevor for this article published on Washington Parent {dot} com. Parents tend to see most aspects of child rearing as a matter of getting our words right. In order to teach our kids how to do everything from dressing themselves to packing their backpacks to cleaning their rooms, we talk… < READ MORE > Preparing for a new school year is...
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The more time you spend getting and keeping organized today, the more time you will save later! Keeping focused is a vital part of getting organized. One tool you can use at your computer is the Keep Focused App. It is an enhanced tool for Pomodoro Technique of Time Management. It has features like session management which keep track of what you are doing in...
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If you are asleep, you may want to wake up to read about this app!! The Wake N Shake Alarm Clock for iPhone forces you awake. How?? You have to shake your phone to shut off the alarm. It shows you no mercy! There is not a snooze button and you can’t lower the volume or shut it off by hitting the home button. The...
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According to Geoff Godbey, co-author of Time for Life, about 25-hours of free time during our weekdays usually come in 30-45 minute increments. So, how can we get organized and accomplish day-to-day tasks on a regular basis? We have two suggestions to get back some “umph” and to keep it!! CLUMP IT! If you can clump tasks together, you will tend to be more...
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The Jamie’s To-Do App is named after Jamie Mikelich. It is not only visually beautiful, but it’s simple to use and the features are incredibly useful. There are: Eight to-do lists in this app, so you can easily organize and manage your life. You can shuffle and prioritize the order of your to-dos, depending on what becomes most important in your day. Reminders to ensure...
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The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a man’s determination. Tommy Lasorda Working on having improved health and creating a balance in life are a lot like organizing – not a one-time event. Improving health, life, relationships and work is a continual process. You have to be flexible to change as your personal and professional life changes. Take time to...
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