Kissing Summer Good-Buy
Have you seen it yet? …the dreaded back-to-school list. The list of supplies can seem endless and expensive. So, to get you off on the right foot to a new school year, let’s look at some good strategies for a productive, organized smart back-to-school shopping trip!
Getting schooled in organization…
The most important suggestion for getting organized and stocked up on basics for your child’s new school year… is to involve your child! I know, sometimes, it is just easier to do things yourself, but it is your child that is going back to school, right?
- Have your child look over the necessities list and put everything in groups like markers, crayons and pencils. The back-to-school isles in Target are not where you want to be getting your exercise!
- Have your child look through last year’s supplies. There may be a couple glue sticks or a pack of pencils that went unused. Be sure to mark left-overs off this year’s shopping list!
- Have your child make a list of “wants” too. Not only may this help for relentless begging in the store, it will give you an opportunity to talk to them about the difference of things they need and things they may want. TIP: Keep the “want” list or stock up during back-to-school sales – this makes shopping for stocking stuffers a synch!
K.I.S.S. – Keep it simple, savvy-shopper!
- Gimmicky supplies that are easy to tinker with and easily distract classmates will also distract your child – and the teacher. Just because it is in the back-to-school, doesn’t necessarily mean it should go to school. Maybe put it in the cart and keep it as an incentive to earn for your child’s workstation at home.
- Consider what is worth spending your money on. Do some research and think back to what you’ve bought before. Some name brand products do last longer than generic supplies. Find out where you can save some funds.
For more tips for smart shopping, visit GreatSchools[dot]com.
Nationally recognized certified organizer, speaker and author, Kathy Jenkins is dedicated to helping her clients simplify their lives by reducing clutter, organizing their homes and offices, and managing their time. She is the President of Come To Order, a professional residential organizing company based in Richmond, Virginia. For more tips, click here to follow Kathy on Facebook.
Just a word of caution: brand name doesn’t always equal quality. In my last job, we purchased a box of name brand pens which were terrible, wrote the company who tried to make up for it by sending us a lot more pens, which were just as bad. I will never buy that brand (Bic) again.
This is great information for school organization for kids. I love your quote, “keep it simple, savvy shopper”. Very clever. Thanks for sharing. We recently when through our school supplies and checked all the markers to make sure they all worked. It was fun and we only needed to buy pencils. 🙂
Surprising how we forget just how many supplies we already have! Great idea to keep your budget and simplicity in mind.