Has your child ever had “sticky fingers”? No… not the kind of sticky fingers they get after eating cotton candy at a ball game or while chomping down a bucket’s worth of buttered popcorn at the theater. I am talking about the type of “sticky fingers” that take things that don’t belong to them… stealing. When begging and nagging for a toy or attending an activity...
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Whether said in the heat of the moment or expressed as a “cool” phrase that their friends use, at one time or another we may be confronted with a swearing child and hearing your child use bad language can be shocking and disheartening. Although reacting in resentment and anger may be your first reaction, another strategy may be more effective. The Love and Logic Parenting...
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If being “empathetic” doesn’t come naturally to you, you will definitely relate to what I have to say! Using sincere empathy on a consistent basis can be difficult. Right? Think about situations that have required empathy in the past. Times when you needed to be sensitive or needed to relate to your son or daughter’s emotional state or circumstances. Think about how you wish you...
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Parenting "in public" isn't always easy, especially when your child is screaming, impatient or upset! Instead of squirming or getting angry, here are some suggestions to help you with parental peer pressure!
A great gift we can give our children is the gift of good thinking skills. One of the best and quickest ways to start giving them this gift is to get in the habit of asking them questions. They will become better thinkers the more questions we ask.
The holidays have arrived and Christmas is in the air. Last minute shopping consumes our time and fancy decorations surround us. It’s easy to get caught up in the joy that giving and getting gifts brings, but there are other valuable factors to remember during the holiday season. What is really important to you? We live in a hectic, busy, and complicated world and more...
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Every parent has experienced a brief, terrifying moment when their stomach drops… “Where is my child?” As short-lived as that moment may have lasted, it makes you wonder, what if? As the holidays approach and vacations are underway, grocery stores are busy and malls become chaotic. Losing a child is a parent’s worst nightmare and it’s always best to be prepared. Before you go anywhere,...
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As a busy mom you may frequently ask yourself “What is my most important priority I have today?” There may be several answers… family, work, religion, school, errands, the list can go on and on. However, have you ever stopped and said, “I am my most important priority today.” Making yourself your own priority may not be an easy task but it is incredibly important....
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Do you ever think to yourself, “I am so stressed; I don’t know where to begin!” Do the holidays cause you to want to hide until spring? It’s the most wonderful time of the year, but it can also be the most stressful. Don’t worry, you are not alone. We all have those moments. Here are some simple strategies to help manage your stress: 1....
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Life moves fast, and sometimes in all the hubbub, we’re forced to make decisions on the fly. We’re put on the spot – there’s no time to gather information, no time to check with others, no time to think it through. So how do you maintain the ability to make smart, healthy, responsible decisions under this much pressure? Integrity(and organization)! Integrity – possessing a strong...
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